Thursday, July 12, 2012
Tired of you, rain
Rain, rain, go the freak awayyyyy. People have been saying things like, "We need this rain!" and, "Thank goodness we've finally got some good RAIN!"... but my thoughts? It's summertime, rain, and CLEARLY, you didn't get the memo. It's supposed to be hot and pretty out, and I'm supposed to be out by the pool with a drink in my hand enjoying my summer and time off! At first, it was great that we finally got some rain. But then... day after day... it got a little... old. I'm tired of being inside. Tired of gross humidity. Tired of the gloom. Tired of drying off wet puppies after they come inside soaked. Sun, will you puhlease come back out?
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The last 2 months
Have been wedding-filled.
One of my best friends got married in the beginning of June.
Then another great friend got married the following weekend.
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Boo for blurry pics. |
Chris and I celebrated our 1-year wedding anniversary.
Then 2 of our best friends got married after that.
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From her Bachelorette Party. Wedding pics to come! |
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He was the Best Man at our wedding, and Hubs returned the favor. :) |
It's been non. stop. But I'm definitely enjoying every bit and remember like it was yesterday when I was doing all these fun, exciting things and my closest family members and friends came to celebrate with me. It's definitely consumed the first half of my summer! But, I wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Speaking of summer, the end of the school year went well! Busy. Crazy. Stressful. But well. First year under my belt. And by that, I mean first 2 months. But you get my drift. I'm definitely ready and excited for a little break, but I feel that much better having gotten my feet wet a bit before getting started on my first full year of teaching.
What has everyone been up to??
*Side note- this post was supposed to go up 2 weeks ago... but when I logged into Blogger this morning to write ANOTHER post and try to be a good little blogger, I realized it never posted?! My baddddd, friends!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
World's worst blogger?
I'm beginning to think so. Sigh. But you know, I've come to the realization that that's okay. What I mean is, it's okay if I don't get to blog every second. It's okay if I don't get a chance to post as much as I'd like. Who is this blog for anyway?! I often ask myself that when I feel bad about not having posted in awhile. Me. Duh. What exactly am I feeling bad about? Very few people even read my blog, and I created this for myself - not anyone else - to document things going on in my life. I'll be honest, I do catch up on other people's blogs quite often and don't make it as much of a priority to write my own posts because I tell myself it'll "take too long" or "I don't feel like it" or "I just want to read this cute post from such-and-such blogger super fast before I do this, this, and that"... but who cares? If I want to write more, I'll write more. If I can't or don't want to or have too many other things going on, it's. oh. kay.
So, on that note... we'll see how things go! Maybe I'll learn to better balance my time so I get a chance to post more? Maybe I won't and will just have to post when things are going a little slower in life? Whatever comes of it, I've told myself no more feeling bad or silly for not being a "perfect" blogger. As long as I'm doing it for me, that's all that really matters. :)
And for a quick update, things have been a little nutso at school! In a good way, though. I've just been learning soooo much and have been feeling pretty overwhelmed... but again, in a good way. I've settled into my classroom a bit and am feeling more comfortable with things. I'm glad to be starting at this point in the year because I'll get a break very soon and a chance to regroup annnnd (hopefully!) by the time summer comes, I'll feel pretty good about things, and the upcoming school year won't feel as daunting. We'll see. 1st graders are... interesting, to say the least! They're the cutest but can definitely be more of a handful than the 3rd graders I student taught. I'm enjoying it, though. I really, really am. I love my school. I love my team. I love my partner. I love my kiddos. Life is bueno.
So, on that note... we'll see how things go! Maybe I'll learn to better balance my time so I get a chance to post more? Maybe I won't and will just have to post when things are going a little slower in life? Whatever comes of it, I've told myself no more feeling bad or silly for not being a "perfect" blogger. As long as I'm doing it for me, that's all that really matters. :)
And for a quick update, things have been a little nutso at school! In a good way, though. I've just been learning soooo much and have been feeling pretty overwhelmed... but again, in a good way. I've settled into my classroom a bit and am feeling more comfortable with things. I'm glad to be starting at this point in the year because I'll get a break very soon and a chance to regroup annnnd (hopefully!) by the time summer comes, I'll feel pretty good about things, and the upcoming school year won't feel as daunting. We'll see. 1st graders are... interesting, to say the least! They're the cutest but can definitely be more of a handful than the 3rd graders I student taught. I'm enjoying it, though. I really, really am. I love my school. I love my team. I love my partner. I love my kiddos. Life is bueno.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
I am BEYONDDDDD excited, happy, and proud to say that...
Bonus? I START TOMORROWWWW!!! dalfjdlakjflkeajflkjjfdklajflkd!
Here I was thinking that I'd probably sub for the rest of this semester and then work my patooty off to try and get a job for the upcoming school year. Little did I know that I'd be able to start full-time right away! I am all kinds of pumped right now! :) :) :)
Details to come, but just wanted to make note of this very exciting tiiiiiime!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Since I last posted...
...Hubby and I spent an entire Saturday outside. Relaxing. Playing with the dogs. Drinking beer. It was one of the best days we've had in awhile.
...We went to Louisiana to visit our school and some of our closest friends and celebrate our best friends' baby's first birthday!
...We went to the rodeo. Twice. :)
...I caught up with a good friend who came into town.
...And spent this past week relaxing and enjoying the fact that teachers get to participate in Spring Break. Hubby, of course, had to work. But the dogs (including my family's pup, Zolie, who we babysat) and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
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He relaxed a little, too. After work. :) |
What have y'all been up to?! Happy St. Patty's Day, by the wayyyyy! :)
Monday, February 27, 2012
Soooo, yesterday was my birthday, and let me just say... it was a VERY. GOOD. DAY. :) :) :) The whole weekend was fabulous, as a matter of fact.
I started Friday with a little girl time. Chris had to take a CPA test on Saturday morning (laaaaame), so I figured going out with the girls would give him some peace and quiet and good ol' study time that evening. We planned to see the movie "Gone" at Studio Movie Grill (ya know, a movie theater where you can eat dinner while you watch your flick? Best. idea. EVER.), butttttt when we showed up to SMG, the movie wasn't playing at the time that showed up online. WTH?! The manager said there was some issue with the production company releasing the movie, so they weren't playing that or "Wanderlust." Big mistake. Lots of good business they were missing out on. No wonder the usually packed place was so empty. Needless to say, we were a bit annoyed. I had already drank myself silly before leaving the house... Hey, it was the start of my birthday weekend (That became the running excuse for the rest of the weekend), but I felt I deserved to let loose and get a little silly if I wanted. So, given the presence and influence of alcohol, I was NOT a happy camper. We had already missed the movie at several other theaters and would have to wait until 10:05 p.m. for the next showing someplace else. Say whaaaat?! Mama was hungry and knew waiting around till 10 would be pushing it... by then, the alcohol would be making me sleepy, and I'd be ready to go home and get some shut eye! Whatever. We were already out. We wanted to see that movie. We sucked it up.
We ended up at Chili's to pass the time (and drink some more), and it ended up working out perfectly fine, actually (though I would never have admitted that at the time).
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My friend who has a 6-month-old consumed her first marg since the baby was born. She was enjoying herself a bit. :) |
So. It ended up being a fun night. We were a tad disappointed in the movie, though. It wasn't bad... we just felt it definitely could've been better. Got home after the movie and passsssseddddddd outttttttt.
On Saturday, Chris went off to take his test, and I just hung around the house. We grabbed lunch when he got home and spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning and getting things done at home. We met friends that evening at a yummy Mexican restaurant downtown that one of my friends recommended. It was good! We ate a lot, drank a lot, and took silly pictures.
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Chris and one of our buds. Having a little too much fun. ;) |
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Best friend.<3 |
We went to a nearby bar afterwards and partied our little hearts out. We were definitely feeling "old," though- we used to have our fair share of fun, crazy times in college, but since we've been out of school the past couple of years, we've definitely toned it down and don't really go out much anymore. I thought I was going nuts having some drinks and catching a 10:00 p.m. movie Friday night! But, we quickly got back into the swing of things and had a really good time. :)
The next day (Sunday) was my birrrrrthhhhhhdayyyyyyy! :) I slept in and took the morning easy, given the amount of fun I had the night before. ;) Chris made me breakfast in bed (LOVED), and then I finally got up and moving around lunchtime. Because it took us a little longer than planned to get going, the original day Chris had planned had to be done another day because we weren't going to have enough time (surprise to look forward to, though. :) hehe). We ended up going downtown and enjoying the beautiful day, grabbed lunch, and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art. Super cute. Super fun. It was a different sort of "out-of-the-box" idea, and I appreciated Chris' effort to do something unique. Plus, I'm a sucker for cool, modern art, so I really enjoyed it.
We headed back towards home that afternoon, picked up the dogs, and went to my parents' for a birthday dinner. My grandmother and Chris' parents were also there, and my aunt and uncle and their fam stopped by. I got some birthday goodies (new clooooothes, shoessssss, and cute things for the house!), and we had fish tacos for dinner (one of my faaaaave meals!).
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Dinner! On cute birthday plates. :) |
Because I'm not much of a cake person, my mom made one of her famous desserts, a Hershey's oreo mud pie instead. DE-LISH. We hung around, chatted, then called it a fairly early night. Chris and I came home and just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the evening.
I feel very lucky and blessed to have such wonderful family and friends in my life, and wouldn't have had my birthday weekend any other way. Hope everyone had a fun, safe, and happy weekend! :)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sunday funday
Today was a great day. Not because I did anything crazy-over-the-top-fun, but because it was just a nice, good, relaxing day. And I don't know... I feel like I haven't really enjoyed a day like I did today in awhile. So it was good. First of all, the weather was absolutely GORGE! Which was a nice change, considering it's been disgusting and rainy a lot lately. I grabbed coffee with a good friend, and we stayed and chatted for, like, hours. Seriously. We were there from 11ish-3ish. Cray. But so much fun. She's a friend I go way back with- she used to live 3 houses down from me, and we've known each other since we were 3. We were inseparable growing up, but, like many friends do, grew apart somewhat as we got older because we started hanging out in different groups of friends and what not. But we were always friendly. And she was always someone who I knew I could call and count on for anything, and she'd be there in a second, despite the fact that we were no longer partners in crime. We went off to different colleges in different states but remained in touch. Now, we're both back in our hometown and able to reconnect. She's one of those people you can pick up wherever you left off with, no matter how much time has passed since you've seen or talked to her. Love that. Proves the strength of a friendship, I think.
But... anyway! After coffee, I went back home and spent some time with my puppies and just enjoyed the day. Then, hubby and I went and saw The Vow.
I thought it was cute. There were some mixed reviews about it, but I thought it was a good movie overall. Afterwards, Chris and I went to say hi to my fam because we haven't really seen them in awhile, and my sister is in town. It was a good evening. We ate dinner, we chatted, my dad told us ridiculously funny stories that had me nearly totally peeing my pants. It was nice. Always love time with my family. It was a good ending to a (like I said) good day.
But... anyway! After coffee, I went back home and spent some time with my puppies and just enjoyed the day. Then, hubby and I went and saw The Vow.
I thought it was cute. There were some mixed reviews about it, but I thought it was a good movie overall. Afterwards, Chris and I went to say hi to my fam because we haven't really seen them in awhile, and my sister is in town. It was a good evening. We ate dinner, we chatted, my dad told us ridiculously funny stories that had me nearly totally peeing my pants. It was nice. Always love time with my family. It was a good ending to a (like I said) good day.
And just to do a very quick little Valentine's Day recap... ;)
There isn't much to report because unfortunately, hubby had to work late. Luckily he didn't have to work as late as he thought he was going to have to, but because he still anticipated being late, we didn't really make any plans (in terms of dinner reservations or something). He's been soooo swamped at work lately, and we hardly saw each other this past week because of how late he had to work most nights. Oh, the joys of being an accountant. There are many, many perks, don't get me wrong... but this is one of the downsides. Tax season is quickly approaching, so that means longer hours for the people at my husband's firm. But, at least he got to come home and I could see him a little for Valentine's Day. It ended up just being a quiet evening at home. But to me, the day isn't about what you do... it's about who you spend it with. (Do I sound like a Hallmark card, or what?! ;) ha) And I'm thankful that no matter how little we did or how little we've seen each other lately, I've at least been able to see him at all, and he was able to come home earlier than expected. It wasn't what I expected for our "first" Vday as a married couple, but it was still a memory to share and something to learn and grow from. Besides, hubs has said he's got a little something up his sleeve to make up for the fact that it was more low-key (not that I really need or expect that), and my birthday is next weekend... so maybe we can do a little more celebrating then? :)
And to end this already-somewhat-deep-and-mushy-post on one last sappy note, I just want to say that I am, at this moment in my life, feeling blessed. Blessed for my husband. Blessed for family. Blessed for my pups. Blessed for good friends. Blessed for health. Blessed for a roof over my head and clothes on my back. Blessed for food to eat. Blessed for the ability to work (and my husband being able to work). And when I find myself feeling down, unappreciated, upset or pitying myself for things I don't have, I'll look back on this post. And remind myself that I am blessed.
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