Sunday, March 25, 2012


I am BEYONDDDDD excited, happy, and proud to say that... 


Bonus? I START TOMORROWWWW!!! dalfjdlakjflkeajflkjjfdklajflkd!

Here I was thinking that I'd probably sub for the rest of this semester and then work my patooty off to try and get a job for the upcoming school year. Little did I know that I'd be able to start full-time right away! I am all kinds of pumped right now! :) :) :)

Details to come, but just wanted to make note of this very exciting tiiiiiime!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Since I last posted...

...Hubby and I spent an entire Saturday outside. Relaxing. Playing with the dogs. Drinking beer. It was one of the best days we've had in awhile.

...We went to Louisiana to visit our school and some of our closest friends and celebrate our best friends' baby's first birthday!

...We went to the rodeo. Twice. :)

...I caught up with a good friend who came into town.

...And spent this past week relaxing and enjoying the fact that teachers get to participate in Spring Break. Hubby, of course, had to work. But the dogs (including my family's pup, Zolie, who we babysat) and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
He relaxed a little, too. After work. :)
What have y'all been up to?! Happy St. Patty's Day, by the wayyyyy! :)
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