My honey takes the first part of the CPA exam today. Eeeeek! Wish him luck!!! :) He's pretty much been preparing since the day we got back from our honeymoon (not kidding... though I wish I was), so my heart will BREAK if he doesn't do as well as he would like/needs to. He still has 3 more sections left (shoot me), so it'd be reallyyyyyy cool if he could pass this one and not have to retake it. But... everything happens for a reason, right? (As long as he passes.) And what's meant to be will be, right? (As long as he passes.) And God doesn't give us more than we can handle, right? (As long as he passes... k, totally joking. But seriously. I REALLY hope he passes, for his own peace of mind and mine!) I know he'd love nothing more than to pass this section so he can move his happy little butt on to studying for the next... and I'd kind of like my husband back, ohhhh, I don't know, this year? So fingers crossed. Say a little prayer (or 5)!

I'll probably get some stuff done then just bum around the house today. Still waiting to hear about if/when I will get placed for student teaching. Blahhh. I think I'll make a nice dinner for Chris when he gets home from taking his test this afternoon. Hmmm, what to make? Any ideas/suggestions? (From my whopping 3 followers- whoop whoop! Lots of love to you all! :) hehe)
Well, that's all I got for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Hope the test went well! Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! I can't wait to read more of your posts and hear about student teaching. Did you find out anything? This year I'm really missing returning to the classroom this fall!
ReplyDeletegood luck to your hubs!!! That exam is so stressful and all he needs is!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood luck to your hubby!
ReplyDeleteAnd to answer your plans to expand right now. lol. After we had Marcus we were so convinced that we would only have an only child (because it was that hard) but now that its getting easier we might give him a bro or sis in a couple of years? Maybe? lol. If you guys can wait...wait! Do all that you want to do and travel and just enjoy the free time because once you have a baby it changes everything! Don't get me wrong, I do love being a mom and I absolutely adore Marcus but there are a lot of stress and worries involved. lol. Read my feature tomorrow on from Mrs to Mama and you'll understand. :)
Hope you cooked up something yummy for your hubby's tummy!
that cpa exam is no joke! I had a friend who studied for it for three or four hours every single day ! crazy!! I hope he passes too!
ReplyDeletealso, I am hosting a giveaway for ashley from the shine project on my blog, it is of a cute custom necklace! You should check it out and enter!! The Shine Project Giveaway
xo, ashley
p.s. following you!