Thursday, August 25, 2011

Where has the time gone?!

My goodness, it's been too long since I've posted... things here have been craaaazyyyyy. Let's see... last weekend, hubs and I went to visit my best friend at her parents' lake house. She's actually living there right now to be closer to her job. Not too shabby, eh? Her boyfriend and parents were there for the weekend, so we all hung out, made yummy food, went out on the boat, tubed, and swam. Pretty relaxing weekend. LOVE.

Since then, we've been working like mad people trying to get our house all fixed up and pretty. I'm SO excited about how things are coming so far. We've done a LOT of painting and will soon be ready to put in our wood floors and granite. WOO! I'm *particularly* excited about the master bedroom. :) What we originally thought we wanted (in terms of paint colors) is not at all what we ended up going with... will post pictures when it's all finished. :) In the meantime, isn't the suspense killing you?! ;)

Still waiting to hear about student teaching. DUMB. My program has been working very hard to place me in the district of my choice, but the district is being a bit obnoxious frustrating difficult to get in touch with and return phone calls. It's like, can't you just let us know one way or the other whether I'll be able to student teach there?! Yeah, it'd suck if I couldn't, but at least I could move on to another district and not continue to waste my time. Lame arse.

As I'm sitting here typing this, the power just went out. We had a big storm last night (yessss- MUCH needed!), but the power's going out NOW?! Er... confused?

Hopefully it won't take me as long as last time to write another post! ;) LOVE TO ALL.


1 comment:

  1. I've been waiting to hear about a job too. It's very frustrating and stressful! I hope you hear soon! :)


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