Since then, we've been working like mad people trying to get our house all fixed up and pretty. I'm SO excited about how things are coming so far. We've done a LOT of painting and will soon be ready to put in our wood floors and granite. WOO! I'm *particularly* excited about the master bedroom. :) What we originally thought we wanted (in terms of paint colors) is not at all what we ended up going with... will post pictures when it's all finished. :) In the meantime, isn't the suspense killing you?! ;)
Still waiting to hear about student teaching. DUMB. My program has been working very hard to place me in the district of my choice, but the district is being a bit
As I'm sitting here typing this, the power just went out. We had a big storm last night (yessss- MUCH needed!), but the power's going out NOW?! Er... confused?
Hopefully it won't take me as long as last time to write another post! ;) LOVE TO ALL.
I've been waiting to hear about a job too. It's very frustrating and stressful! I hope you hear soon! :)