Sunday, October 30, 2011


So I just glanced at my last post... which said that I should be ashamed of myself since I hadn't written in so long at that point. And NOW I'm even MORE ashamed since it's been more than a month since THAT ONE. DUMMMMMB. I hate using the excuse of "life has just been SO crazy"... but it really has been! :/ It's tough being a newlywed, student teaching, fixing up and getting ready to move into a new house, AND blogging all at the same time! I know I need to make a bigger effort, though. I said I wanted to start this blog to document what's been happening in my life... so I need to do that! Boy, is it surrrre easy to let it slip by, though! When I'm not at school or working madly on our new house (which we are STILL not in, btw- grrr... but that's another story entirely), I'm attempting to spend time with my also-extremely-busy-husband orrrrr sleeping. Ohhhhh, life.

But! I've missed you all! All 7 of you! :) And I've missed simply writing about my day-to-day experiences and what's been happening. I'll try to give a quick update about what's been happening and do my *very best* to blog and keep this thing updated more so that I'm not saying in everyyyy post, "OMG, I HAVEN'T BLOGGED IN FOREVERRRR," blah, blah, blah... and so that I don't have to give MAJOR recaps every time.

Here's the skinny... student teaching has been going amazingly well! I loooooove my kids and the wonderful 3rd grade team I'm working with. My cooperating teacher has been BEYOND amazeballs, and I feel very lucky and blessed. I only have 4 more weeks left, too. Is that not CRAAAAZAYYYYY?! I seriously can't believe how fast the time has gone!!! Our new puppy, Bentley, has been adjusting fairly well, too! We love him. :) His big sister (our other dog, Laycee) is finally getting used to having him around. They're playing well and getting along. Hubby started his new job and is looooving it. He's been busy, though, and I miss himmmm. :( The day after he started, he went to Dallas for a couple days for training. Then the following week, he went to Chicago for a whoooole week. It was a great experience for him, and he was super pumped, but I missed having him around! He's back home now and getting settled into things at his office here. And our housssse... hmph. Things are moving along... slowly. Very. Slowly. It's tough, working full-time and then trying to get over there in the evenings to work on things! But we are making DEFINITE progress, and it's already looking like a brand new home! Yesterday, we moved everything from storage into our 2 back bedrooms because we didn't want to pay for ANOTHER month of storage, and the 2 bedrooms are painted and done being worked on. We're still not living in the house yet because we aren't quite done in the kitchen and bathrooms. But we're getting there! *HOPEFULLY* it'll only be a few more weeks before we're actually in... hopefully. But then again, I've said that before. TOO. MANY. TIMES.

Well... that's what's been happening, in a nutshell. I'm making it a GOAL to write more, so as not to write ridiculous novels once or twice every month. ;) MUCH love to all, especially Amanda! Thinking of you, girly!<333

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