Saturday, April 28, 2012

World's worst blogger?

I'm beginning to think so. Sigh. But you know, I've come to the realization that that's okay. What I mean is, it's okay if I don't get to blog every second. It's okay if I don't get a chance to post as much as I'd like. Who is this blog for anyway?! I often ask myself that when I feel bad about not having posted in awhile. Me. Duh. What exactly am I feeling bad about? Very few people even read my blog, and I created this for myself - not anyone else - to document things going on in my life. I'll be honest, I do catch up on other people's blogs quite often and don't make it as much of a priority to write my own posts because I tell myself it'll "take too long" or "I don't feel like it" or "I just want to read this cute post from such-and-such blogger super fast before I do this, this, and that"... but who cares? If I want to write more, I'll write more. If I can't or don't want to or have too many other things going on, it's. oh. kay.

So, on that note... we'll see how things go! Maybe I'll learn to better balance my time so I get a chance to post more? Maybe I won't and will just have to post when things are going a little slower in life? Whatever comes of it, I've told myself no more feeling bad or silly for not being a "perfect" blogger. As long as I'm doing it for me, that's all that really matters. :)

And for a quick update, things have been a little nutso at school! In a good way, though. I've just been learning soooo much and have been feeling pretty overwhelmed... but again, in a good way. I've settled into my classroom a bit and am feeling more comfortable with things. I'm glad to be starting at this point in the year because I'll get a break very soon and a chance to regroup annnnd (hopefully!) by the time summer comes, I'll feel pretty good about things, and the upcoming school year won't feel as daunting. We'll see. 1st graders are... interesting, to say the least! They're the cutest but can definitely be more of a handful than the 3rd graders I student taught. I'm enjoying it, though. I really, really am. I love my school. I love my team. I love my partner. I love my kiddos. Life is bueno.
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